
entering the garden

Sep 14th, 2022
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  1. So instead of stopping to talk, I turned to the summoning circle, stepped into it, summoned up my will, and whispered, "Aparturum."
  2. I waved my staff from left to right, infusing the tool with my will, and reality rolled up along it like a scroll. Soft green light began to emanate from the empty air in front of me in a rectangular area seven feet tall and half as wide - a doorway between my apartment and the Nevernever. I had no idea what was on the other side.
  3. The bolts to the trapdoor began to rattle. I heard someone call for a saw. The door wasn't closely fitted. They'd be able to slip a saw blade through the crack and slice those two bolts in seconds.
  4. I gathered up my power into a defensive barrier around me, running it through my shield bracelet, and gritted my teeth. My heart pounded against my chest. It was entirely possible that walking through that doorway between worlds would take me to the bottom of a lake of molten lava, or over the edge of a rushing waterfall. There was no way to know until I actually stepped into it.
  5. "I told you so!" Bob chortled.
  6. An electric engine buzzed above me and then abruptly died. Someone made puzzled sounds. Then a slender steel blade slipped through the crack in the door and someone started cutting through the bolts by hand.
  7. I stepped out of the real world and into the Nevernever.
  8. I was braced for whatever would happen. Freezing cold. Searing heat. Crushing depth of water - even utter vacuum. The sphere of force around me was airtight, and would keep me alive even in someplace like outer space, at least for a few moments.
  9. I emerged into the Nevernever, my shields at full strength, my blasting rod ready to unleash hell, as the invisible sphere of force around me slammed into -
  10. - a rather lovely bed of daisies.
  11. My shields mashed them flat. The entire bed, in its little white planter, immediately resembled a pressed-flower collection.
  12. I looked around slowly, my body tight and ready, my senses focused.
  13. I was in a garden.
  16. Changes Chapter 11, Page 99-100
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