
About KRNL, Synapse X.

Nov 21st, 2021
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  1. Synapse X:
  2. Synapse X, the world's foremost scripting utility that provides the utmost safety and performance out of all competitors.
  3. The price of Synapse product ranges from $15 USD to $20 USD, depending on the payment method used. By purchasing the software, you hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, please refrain from purchasing and/or using the software. Activation can take up to 1 Month,Week,Days,Or hours.
  5. KRNL:
  6. Stability, Krnl is extremely stable, never crashes on script execution, doesn't crash on injection.
  7. Functionality, Large function list expanding every update. This allows krnl to run scripts like Owl Hub!
  8. Speed, Krnl utilizes bytecode conversion making it one of the fastest exploits. It's completely free! not like Synapse X.
  10. Make sure to disable your anti virus for each Synapse or KRNL as they wont work,
  12. Warning!
  14. Synapse is safe and cause no harm to your computer.
  15. KRNL Has some viruses and its pretty shit but a very powerful executors as every executors on The RST Striker script does load but freezes every 10,5 seconds.
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