

Apr 15th, 2024 (edited)
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INI file 69.28 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. ;Engine.ini located C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
  2. ; Remember to set file as read only in file properties
  4. ;----------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ; Note: I have optimized every setting I could find on this game.
  6. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
  7. ;       Raytracing on,
  8. ;       TXAA on and optimized
  9. ;       AO options set to GTAO. SSAO and normal AO disabled.
  10. ;       Colour teaked.
  11. ;       Optimized for systems with 16GIG RAM and a 8 GIG Graphics card
  12. ;       DOF, Bloom, image grain, ChromaticAberration Off.
  13. ;       EYEADAPTION / AUTOEXPOSURE settings Optimized.
  14. ;       Texture Groups and streaming options all Optimized.
  15. ;       Audio Optimized.
  16. ;       Internet Optimized.
  17. ;       other optimizations Shadows gras sky lighting foilage etc.
  18. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [SystemSettings]
  21. r.setres=1280x720f
  23. [Core.System]
  24. Paths=../../../Engine/Content
  25. Paths=%GAMEDIR%Content
  26. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Wwise/Content
  27. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/RoadEditor/Content
  28. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Coherent/CoherentUIGTPlugin/Content
  29. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/HoudiniEngine/Content
  30. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Mutable/Content
  31. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Minkonet/MK3DPublisher/Content
  32. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content
  33. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/ACLPlugin/Content
  34. Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/EngineExt/Content
  35. Paths=../../../TslGame/Plugins/UnrealImGui/Content
  36. Paths=../../../TslGame/Plugins/PrefabTool/Content
  37. Paths=../../../TslGame/Plugins/VertexAnimToolset/Content
  38. Paths=../../../TslGame/Plugins/ORCA/Content
  39. Paths=../../../TslGame/Plugins/ChromaSDKPlugin/Content
  41. [Audio]
  42. UnfocusedVolumeMultiplier=0.500000
  46. [Audio]
  47. UnfocusedVolumeMultiplier=0.500000
  49. ; ===============================
  50. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ COLOUR ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  51. ; ===============================
  52. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  53. r.GBufferFormat=1                         ; Set the G-buffer format to HighPrecisionNormals for better color representation
  55. ;perfect             ;Normal                         ;LIGHTER              ;DARK                ;not tested
  56. r.Color.Max=0.85     ; 0.00-1.00, 1.00 = default     ;r.Color.Max=1.05     ;r.Color.Max=0.8
  57. r.Color.Mid=0.51     ; 0.00-1.00, 0.50 = default     ;r.Color.Mid=0.60     ;r.Color.Mid=0.4     ;r.Color.Mid=0.5     r.Color.Mid=0.47
  58. r.Color.Min=0        ; 0.00-1.00, 0.00 = default     ;r.Color.Min=0.01     ;r.Color.Min=0.001   ;r.Color.Max=1.0
  60. r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0               ; Quality of the scene color fringe effect . 0=disables chromatic aberration.(0 to 4, higher values provide better quality but may impact performance) Disable scene color fringe for improved color accuracy
  61. r.SceneColorFringe.Max=1.0                ; Maximum scene color fringe amount, Set maximum scene color fringe to 0 for cleaner edges.
  62. r.SceneColorFormat=3                      ; Set the scene color format to RGBA16 for higher color precision. set to 3, reducing memory usage.
  64. [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings]
  65. r.DefaultFeature.ColorGrading=0                 ; Disable color grading for improved performance
  66. r.Color.MaxEditingLUTs=16                       ; Maximum number of color lookup tables (LUTs) used for color correction
  67. r.Color.MidTones.Sharpen=0                      ; Increases sharpness of mid-tone colors DEF 0
  68. r.Color.MidTones.Saturation=1.2                 ; Enhances the saturation of mid-tone colors
  69. r.Color.Contrast=1.1                            ; Increases overall contrast of the scene
  70. r.Color.Grayscale=0                             ; Disables grayscale effect, keeping colors vibrant
  71. r.Color.Max=1.5                                 ; Boosts the maximum intensity of colors
  72. r.Color.MaxHDR=2.0                              ; Boosts the maximum intensity of colors in HDR (high dynamic range) scenes
  73. r.Tonemapper.Method=1                           ; Sets the tonemapping method to improve color reproduction
  74. r.TonemapperGamma=1.9                           ; DEF 0
  75. r.TonemapperFilm=1                              ; 0 = off (game default), 1 = on (engine default?)
  76. r.Tonemapper.EmulateHDR=0                       ; DEF 0
  77. r.Tonemapper.MergeWithUpscale.Mode=0            ; DEF 0
  78. r.Tonemapper.MergeWithUpscale.Threshold=0.49    ; DEF 0.49
  79. r.DefaultFeature.AmbientCubemap=False           ; Disable ambient cubemap for performance
  81. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  82. ; Default color space used for rendering
  83. r.DefaultColorSpace=1               ; 0: sRGB (standard RGB), 1: Linear (linear color space)
  85. ; Gamma correction settings
  86. r.GammaCorrection=1                 ; Enables gamma correction for rendering
  87. r.FastToneMapping=1                 ; Enables fast tone mapping for better performance
  88. r.Exposure=1.0                      ; Set the overall exposure for the scene
  89. r.Contrast=1.0                      ; Set the overall contrast for the scene
  90. r.Saturation=1.0                    ; Set the overall saturation for the scene
  91. r.Gamma=1.0                         ; Set the overall gamma for the scene
  92. r.Temperature=6500.0                ; Set the overall temperature for the scene
  93. r.Tint=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)              ; Set the overall tint for the scene
  95. [/Script/Engine.PostProcessSettings]
  96. ; Remove Film grain effect
  97. r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0          ; Controls the grain amount in the tonemapper, disabled for improved performance. ; Controls the graininess of the image. Values: 0 (off) to 1 (max)
  98. r.Tonemapper.Quality=5                    ; Controls the tonemapping quality. Values: 0 Performance (low), 1 (medium), 2 (high) (1 to 5, higher values provide better quality but may impact performance)
  99. r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.0                  ; Use with FXAA, TXAA use r.TemporalAASharpen. 0.5 is subtle, 1.5 is good, and 2.0 is sharper (if you use High or Ultra AA)... Typical Ranges: 0.5 - 2.0 (more then 2.0 will start to look pixelated). def 0.9
  100. #
  101. ; ===================================================
  102. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ EYEADAPTION / AUTOEXPOSURE ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  103. ; ===================================================
  104. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  105. r.EyeAdaptation.ExponentialTransitionDistance=1  
  106. r.EyeAdaptation.LensAttenuation=0.78              ; Default .65 lower is darker
  107. r.EyeAdaptationQuality=2                          ; 0-3, 0 = off, 2 = default, 1/3 = not implemented
  109. r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure=False                   ; Auto exposure disabled for improved performance.
  110. r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.Method=1            ; Auto exposure method set to 0, disabling it for performance.
  111. r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.ExtendDefaultLuminanceRange=1
  113. [TimeOfDaySystem]
  114. AutoExposure.SpeedUp=10.0
  115. AutoExposure.SpeedDown=6.0
  117. VolumetricCloud.Force2LayerMaterial=1
  118. VolumetricCloud.RayMarchedShadows=1
  119. VolumetricCloud.GroundContribution=1
  121. [Engine.RendererSettings]
  122. r.DFDistanceScale=10
  123. r.DFFullResolution=1
  125. ; =====================================
  126. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ SSAO SETTINGS ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  127. ; =====================================
  128. ;Disables to use  Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion (GTAO) feature
  129. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  130. r.SSAO.Method=0                       ; Disable SSAO (0)
  131. r.SSAO.Quality=0                      ; Set SSAO quality to low (0)
  132. r.SSAO.SampleSet=0                    ; Use the default sample set for SSAO (0)
  133. r.SSAO.MaxViewDistance=10000.0        ; Limit the maximum distance over which SSAO is applied
  134. r.SSAO.HalfResolution=0               ; Disable half-resolution SSAO
  135. r.SSAO.BlurRadius=0                   ; Disable SSAO blur
  136. r.SSAO.BlurSharpness=0.0              ; Set SSAO blur sharpness to 0 (no blur)
  137. r.SSAO.BlurPasses=1                   ; Use a single pass for SSAO blur
  138. r.SSAO.DepthBias=0.0                  ; Set SSAO depth bias to 0 (no bias)
  139. r.SSAO.DirtyTranslucencySupport=1     ; Enable SSAO for dirty (unshadowed) translucent surfaces
  140. r.SSAO.Downsampling=1                 ; Enable SSAO downsampling for performance (1)
  141. r.SSAO.ScreenSpaceRadius=0.5          ; Set SSAO screen space radius to 0.5 (adjust to your liking)
  142. r.SSAO.MinRadius=0.02                 ; Set SSAO minimum radius (adjust to your liking)
  143. r.SSAO.SampleRadiusScale=0.3          ; Scale the SSAO sample radius (adjust to your liking)
  144. r.SSAO.Intensity=1.0                  ; Set SSAO intensity to 1 (adjust to your liking)
  145. r.SSAO.AutoCompute=0                  ; Disable automatic computation of SSAO (for manual tweaking)
  147. [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings]
  148. r.SSAO.Enable=False                        ; Enable SSAO effect
  150. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  151. r.SSAO.Enable=False                        ; Enable SSAO effect (added for clarity, can be removed if desired)
  153. ; ========================================
  154. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ SHADOWS SETTINGS ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  155. ; ========================================
  156. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  157. r.Shadow.MaxResolution=2048                        ; DEF 256, 512/1024 for PERFORMANCE , 4096=high                
  158. r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=1024                     ; Maximum cascaded shadow map resolution 512 performance
  159. r.Shadow.MaxCascades=1                             ; Maximum number of cascades for directional lights 4 high DEF 3, 1 or 2 for PERFORMANCE
  160. r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades=8                         ; Def 1
  161. r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale=1.0                   ; Sets the transition scale for cascaded shadow maps DEF 0 or 0.8
  162. r.Shadow.DistanceScale=1.0                         ; Distance scale for shadow rendering DEF 0.85, 7=Very high, also Controls the distance at which grass shadows will begin to fade out from the camera
  163. r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold=0.05                      ; DEF 0.1 or 0.04, Threshold for shadow rendering
  164. r.Shadow.CSM.FadeResolution=32                     ; Fade resolution for cascaded shadow maps
  165. r.Shadow.CSM.SplitPenumbraScale=0.1                ; Scale factor for split penumbra
  166. r.Shadow.CSM.SplitDepthBiasScale=0.01              ; Scale factor for split depth bias
  167. r.Shadow.TexelsPerPixel=2                          ; Number of texels per screen pixel for shadow rendering
  168. r.Shadow.NumDynamicShadowCascades=4                ; Number of dynamic shadow cascades
  169. r.Shadow.CSM.NumCascades=4                         ; Number of cascades for cascaded shadow maps
  170. r.Shadow.CSM.DepthRange=10000                      ; Depth range for cascaded shadow maps
  171. r.Shadow.CSM.CascadeDistributionExponent=3.0       ; Distribution exponent for cascades
  172. r.Shadow.CSM.CascadeTransitionFraction=0.1         ; Transition fraction for cascades
  173. r.Shadow.FadeResolution=128                        ; Fade resolution for shadow rendering
  174. r.Shadow.MaxFadeDistance=10000                     ; Maximum fade distance for shadow rendering
  175. r.Shadow.MinResolution=8                           ; Minimum resolution for shadows
  176. r.Shadow.MinPreShadowResolution=8                  ; Minimum resolution for pre-shadow rendering
  177. r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor=0.5             ; Sets the pre-shadow resolution factor
  178. r.Shadow.CSM.DepthBias=0                           ; Depth bias for cascaded shadow maps
  179. r.Shadow.RadiusThresholdMultiplier=1.0             ; Radius threshold multiplier for shadow rendering
  180. r.Mobile.EnableStaticAndCSMShadowReceivers=0       ;Static and cascaded shadow receivers disabled for mobile devices, improving performance.
  181. r.Shadow.CachedShadowsCastFromMovablePrimitives=1  ; DEF 1, 0 for PERFORMANCE
  182. r.Shadow.CacheWholeSceneShadows=1                  ; DEF 1
  183. r.Shadow.CacheWPOPrimitives=0                      ; DEF 0
  184. r.Shadow.CSMDepthBias=8                            ; DEF 10
  185. r.Shadow.FilterMethod=0                            ; DEF 0, 1=on. uses Nvidia's PCSS shadow technology, which makes shadows diffuse and get softer the further they are from the source object.
  186. r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=2048                     ; DEF 2048, 1024 for PERFORMANCE , 4096=high
  187. r.Shadow.MaxNumPointShadowCacheUpdatesPerFrame=-1  ; DEF -1
  188. r.Shadow.MaxNumSpotShadowCacheUpdatesPerFrame=-1   ; DEF -1
  189. r.Shadow.OcclusionCullCascadedShadowMaps=0         ; DEF 0
  190. r.Shadow.PointLightDepthBias=0.02                  ; DEF 0.02
  191. r.Shadow.PointLightSlopeScaleDepthBias=3           ; DEF 3
  192. r.Shadow.SpotLightTransitionScale=60               ; DEF 60, 7=high faster
  193. r.Shadow.TransitionScale=60                        ; DEF 60, 7=high faster
  194. r.ShadowQuality=3                                  ; DEF 4, 3 for PERFORMANCE
  195. r.Shadow.CSMResolution=256                         ; Controls the resolution of grass shadows
  196. r.Shadow.CSMSplitCount=4                           ; Determines the number of cascades for grass shadow maps
  198. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  199. r.AmbientOcclusion=1    ; Enables screen-space ambient occlusion
  200. r.GTAO=1                ; Enables Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion (GTAO)
  202. [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings]
  203. ; Ambient occlusion settings
  204. r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusion=False     ; Disables default ambient occlusion
  205. r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=0                  ; Sets the number of ambient occlusion levels (0 = off, 1 = low, 2 = high)
  206. r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale=0.0           ; Sets the ambient occlusion radius scale
  207. r.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction=0.0        ; Sets the fraction of static occlusion
  208. r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0                     ; Disables Depth of Field (DOF) for performance, This is also in 3 other sections
  209. r.AmbientOcclusionFadeDistance=10000.0      ; Distance at which ambient occlusion fades out
  210. r.AllowOcclusionQueries=1                   ; Enables occlusion queries for performance improvement
  212. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  213. ; Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion
  214. r.GTAO.Enable=True              ; Enables GTAO for Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion
  215. r.AmbientOcclusion.Method=2     ; Sets the method for ambient occlusion (1 = screen-space, 2 = ray tracing)
  216. r.GTAO.FalloffEnd=300           ; Distance at which the occlusion completes the fall-off
  217. r.GTAO.SpatialFilter=0          ; Enable Spatial Filter for GTAO (0: Off, 1: On)
  218. r.GTAO.NumAngles=2              ; Number of angles chosen per pixel for GTAO (must be between 1 and 16)
  219. r.GTAO.UseNormals=1             ; Whether to use GBuffer Normals or Depth Derived normals for GTAO (0: Off, 1: On)
  220. r.GTAO.ThicknessBlend=0.0       ; A heuristic to bias occlusion for thin or thick objects (0: Off, >0: On, bigger values reduce occlusion)
  221. r.GTAO.Combined=1               ; Enable combining GTAO with other ambient occlusion methods (0: Off, 1: On)
  222. r.GTAO.Downsample=1             ; Perform GTAO at half resolution (0: Off, 1: On)
  223. r.GTAO.FalloffStartRatio=0.0    ; Ratio of the r.GTAO.FalloffEnd value at which it starts to fall off (must be between 0 and 1)
  224. r.GTAO.TemporalFilter=1         ; Enable Temporal Filter for GTAO (0: Off, 1: On)
  225. r.GTAO.Upsample=1               ; Enable Simple or Depth-aware upsample filter for GTAO (0: Simple, 1: DepthAware)
  226. r.GTAO.PauseJitter=0            ; Whether to pause Jitter when Temporal filter is off (0: Off, 1: On)
  227. r.GTAO.FilterWidth=4            ; Size of the noise pattern and filter width (5: 5x5 Pattern, 4: 4x4 Pattern)
  229. [/Script/Engine.GTAOSettings]
  230. r.GTAO.Resolution=50                   ; Resolution factor for GTAO (lower values improve performance)
  231. r.GTAO.SampleSet=1                     ; Sample set index for GTAO (1 is the default)
  232. r.GTAO.Bias=0.4                        ; Bias factor for GTAO (higher values increase occlusion)
  233. r.GTAO.Power=1.0                       ; Power factor for GTAO (higher values increase occlusion)
  234. r.GTAO.MaxDistance=1000.0              ; Maximum distance for GTAO (higher values increase occlusion range)
  235. r.GTAO.HorizonAngle=1.5                ; Horizon angle for GTAO (higher values increase occlusion near horizon)
  236. r.GTAO.NumSteps=8                      ; Number of occlusion steps for GTAO (higher values increase quality)
  237. r.GTAO.NumDirections=4                 ; Number of directions for GTAO (higher values increase quality)
  238. r.GTAO.NumCutoutSamples=4              ; Number of cutout samples for GTAO (higher values increase quality)
  239. r.GTAO.NumCutoutSampleIterations=2     ; Number of cutout sample iterations for GTAO (higher values increase quality)
  240. r.GTAO.NumRandomRotations=8            ; Number of random rotations for GTAO (higher values increase quality)
  242. ; ==================================
  243. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ RAYTRACING ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  244. ; ==================================
  245. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  246. r.DefaultFeature.RayTracing=1             ; Enable ray tracing
  247. r.RayTracing=1                           ; Enable global ray tracing
  249. ; Performance settings
  250. r.RayTracing.Reflections.MaxRoughness=0.8 ; Maximum roughness for ray-traced reflections (lower value for better performance)
  251. r.RayTracing.Shadows.MaxCSMRadius=0       ; Maximum cascaded shadow map radius for ray-traced shadows (0 for better performance)
  252. r.RayTracing.AmbientOcclusion.MaxFullResolutionSamplesPerPixel=8 ; Maximum number of samples per pixel for ambient occlusion (lower value for better performance)
  253. r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination.SamplePerPixel=1 ; Number of samples per pixel for ray-traced global illumination (lower value for better performance)
  254. r.RayTracing.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim=8 ; Resolution of the ray-traced translucency lighting volume (lower value for better performance)
  255. r.RayTracing.SkyLight.MaxSamplesPerPixel=1 ; Number of samples per pixel for ray-traced skylight (lower value for better performance)
  257. ; Additional ray tracing settings
  258. r.RayTracing.UseTextureLod=1             ; Use texture LOD for ray tracing (can improve performance in certain scenarios)
  259. r.RayTracing.ForceAllRayTracingEffects=0 ; Force all ray tracing effects to be enabled (0 for better performance, enable specific effects as needed)
  261. ; Quality settings
  262. r.RayTracing.Quality=1                   ; Overall ray tracing quality (0 for lower quality, 1 for balanced, 2 for high quality)
  263. r.RayTracing.Reflections.MaxBounces=2    ; Maximum number of bounces for ray-traced reflections (higher value for more accurate reflections, but impacts performance)
  264. r.RayTracing.Shadows.MaxRayDistance=10000 ; Maximum ray distance for ray-traced shadows (higher value for longer shadows, but impacts performance)
  265. r.RayTracing.AmbientOcclusion.MaxRayDistance=1000 ; Maximum ray distance for ambient occlusion (higher value for larger occlusion radius, but impacts performance)
  267. ; Memory and cache settings
  268. r.RayTracing.Cache.NumGB=8               ; Amount of GPU memory to allocate for ray tracing (increase if running out of memory)
  269. r.RayTracing.Cache.SampleFactor=2        ; Memory usage factor for ray tracing cache (higher value for more aggressive caching)
  271. ; Debugging and profiling
  272. r.RayTracing.Debug.VisualizeMeshBVH=0     ; Visualize mesh bounding volume hierarchy (0 for better performance)
  273. r.RayTracing.Debug.VisualizeMaterialGBuffer=0 ; Visualize material G-buffer for debugging (0 for better performance)
  275. ; ===============================================
  276. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ INTEL Xe SUPER SAMPLING ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  277. ; ===============================================
  278. ;r.TemporalAA.Upsampling=1 needed below in AA section
  279. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  280. r.IntelXeSS.Enabled=1                   ; Enable Intel XeSS
  281. r.IntelXeSS.Quality=2                   ; Set Intel XeSS quality level (0 = Performance, 1 = Balanced, 2 = Quality)
  282. r.IntelXeSS.Sharpening=0.0              ; Set Intel XeSS sharpening strength (0.0 to 1.0)
  284. ; Optional Settings
  285. r.IntelXeSS.Denoising=1                 ; Enable Intel XeSS denoising (0 = Off, 1 = On)
  286. r.IntelXeSS.DenoisingStrength=0.75      ; Set Intel XeSS denoising strength (0.0 to 1.0)
  287. r.IntelXeSS.Smoothness=0.5              ; Set Intel XeSS smoothness factor (0.0 to 1.0)
  289. ; Advanced Settings
  290. r.IntelXeSS.RayTracingResolution=1.0    ; Set Intel XeSS ray tracing resolution scale (0.1 to 2.0)
  291. r.IntelXeSS.RayTracingUpsample=1        ; Enable Intel XeSS upsampling for ray tracing (0 = Off, 1 = On)
  293. ; ====================================
  294. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ ANTIALIASING ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  295. ; ====================================
  296. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  297. r.PostProcessAAQuality=6                       ; Adjusts the quality of post-process anti-aliasing, including FXAA, 6=Activates TAA on unsuported games, 1 or 2 FXAA, 3 or 4 5 6 TAA 0 OFF, 0 = Low.
  298. r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=4                ; Set the anti-aliasing quality. Values: 0 (off), 1 = MSAA, 2 (FXAA), 4 (TemporalAA), 6 (MSAA), 8 (TAA)
  299. r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.1             ; Controls the blend weight of the current frame for TemporalAA (;0.4 gives a lot of clarity but more shimmering; 0.05 would be my lower maximum to reduce flickering in exchange for blur in motion)
  300. r.TemporalAASamples=4                          ; Number of samples per pixel for TemporalAA. Higher values may result in better quality but increased performance cost (4 or 8 gives more shimmering but better AA) =4, DEF 8, 16, 32, 64
  302. ; TXAA settings
  303. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling=1                      ; Enable upsampling for better quality. Enable Intel XeSS =1, 0=Disable default Unreal Engine 4 upsamplingEnable Intel XeSS for upsampling 0 disable default Unreal Engine 4 upsampling
  305. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling.NumMips=3              ; Number of MIP levels to use for upsampling
  306. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling.MinMipCount=1          ; Minimum MIP level to use for upsampling
  307. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling.MaxFilterWidth=16      ; Maximum filter width for upsampling
  308. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling.Sharpen=0.0            ; Adjust the sharpness of the upsampling filter
  309. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling.ViewDistanceScale=1.0  ; Scale the upsampling effect based on view distance
  311. ; Additional settings for fine-tuning TXAA
  312. r.TemporalAA.HistoryConvolution.BoxSigma=0.1    ; Sigma value for the box filter used in the history convolution
  313. r.TemporalAA.HistoryConvolution.Sharpen=0.0     ; Adjust the sharpness of the history convolution filter
  314. r.TemporalAA.HistoryConvolution.FastFilter=0    ; Enable fast filtering for history convolution
  315. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling.DepthJitter=0           ; Amount of depth jittering for upsampling
  316. r.TemporalAA.Upsampling.PatternJitter=0         ; Amount of pattern jittering for upsampling
  317. r.TemporalACCatmullRom=1
  318. r.TemporalAAPauseCorrect=1                      ; DEF 1
  319. r.TemporalAASharpen=0.0                         ;To change the level of sharpening for "r.TemporalAASharpen=", (0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.4 = Lower to Higher TAA Sharpening).
  320. r.TemporalAADynamicSharpen=0.0
  321. r.TemporalAAFilterSize=0.1                      ; 0.0 = sharper/aliased, 1.0 = default smooth/blurry
  322. r.TemporalAASharpness=0.0                       ; DEF 1
  323. r.TemporalAACatmullRom=1                        ; DEF 0
  325. ; FXAA settings
  326. ; FXAA quality settings
  327. r.TonemapperQuality=0            ; 0 = Low, 1 = High - Adjusts the tonemapper quality used with FXAA
  329. ; FXAA performance settings
  330. r.ForcePrecomputedVisibility=0   ; 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled - Disables precomputed visibility to improve performance with FXAA
  331. r.AllowLandscapeShadows=0        ; 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled - Disables landscape shadows for better FXAA performance
  332. ; r.AllowStaticLighting=1         ; 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled - Allows static lighting to improve FXAA performance **this setting is in lighting section.**
  334. ; FXAA optimizations
  335. r.AllowHMDWarp=1                 ; 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled - Enables distortion for VR rendering
  336. r.OneFrameThreadLag=0            ; 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled - Reduces latency by lagging the frame output by one frame
  338. r.Upscale.Quality=4              ; 0-5, 3 = default 1 = performance
  340. ; ====================================
  341. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ REFLECTIONS ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  342. ; ====================================
  343. [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings]
  344. r.SSR.Quality=0                                    ; Disables screen space reflections for improved performance.
  345. r.SSR.MaxRoughness=0.2                             ; Adjusts the maximum roughness for screen space reflections.
  346. r.SSR.RayMaxRoughness=0.2                          ; Adjusts the maximum roughness for ray traced reflections.
  347. r.SSR.HalfRes=False                                ; Disables half-resolution reflections for improved quality.
  348. r.SSR.Temporal=0                                   ; Temporal screen space reflections (SSR) disabled for improved performance.
  349. r.SSR.Stencil=0                                    ; Stencil for screen space reflections (SSR) disabled for improved performance.
  350. r.SSR.HalfResSceneColor=1                          ; Half-resolution scene color enabled for screen space reflections (SSR), improving performance.
  352. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  353. r.ReflectionEnvironment=1                                ; Enables reflection environment
  354. r.ReflectionCaptureResolution=256                        ; Sets the resolution of reflection captures to 256x256 0r 128 for performance.
  355. r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixBasedOnRoughness=1     ; Enables roughness-based mix of reflection environment lightmap.
  356. r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixLargestWeight=1.0      ; Sets the weight for the largest mip of the reflection environment lightmap.
  357. r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixFinalWeighting=0.5     ; Sets the weighting for the final calculation of the reflection environment lightmap.
  358. r.ReflectionCaptureResolutionSkylight=128                ; Sets the resolution for skylight reflection captures
  359. r.ReflectionEnvironmentResolution=128                    ; Sets the resolution for the reflection environment
  360. r.ForceLQReflections=1                                   ; Low-quality reflections forced for improved performance.
  361. r.ReflectionsQuality=3                                   ; Reflection quality (0 to 4, higher values provide better quality but may impact performance)
  362. r.ReflectionsMaxRoughness=0.8                            ; Maximum roughness value for reflections
  363. r.ReflectionsSamplesPerPixel=4                           ; Number of reflection samples per pixel
  364. r.RefractionQuality=0                                    ; Refraction quality set to 0, disabling it for performance.
  366. ; ============================================
  367. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ CHROMATIC ABERRATION ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  368. ; ============================================
  369. [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings]
  370. ; ChromaticAberration Off
  371. r.ChromaticAberration=False                      ; Disable chromatic aberration for better performance
  373. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  374. r.ChromaticAberration=False                      ; Disable chromatic aberration for better performance
  376. ; ====================================
  377. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ MOTIONBLUR ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  378. ; ====================================
  379. [SystemSettings]
  380. ; MotionBlur Off
  381. r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=false
  382. r.MotionBlurQuality=0                           ; This setting controls the quality level of motion blur
  383. r.MotionBlur.Scale=2.0                          ; This setting determines the scale or intensity of motion blur
  384. r.FastBlurThreshold=0                           ; This setting controls the threshold for fast blur
  385. r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur=0                      ; This setting controls the volume blur for translucency
  387. ; ===========================
  388. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ DOF ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  389. ; ===========================
  390. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  391. ; DepthOfField Off
  392. r.DefaultFeature.DepthOfField=False
  393. r.DepthofFieldQuality=0                  ; disabling it for performance Sets the quality level for Depth of Field in the post-process settings. Adjust as needed (0-3). Higher values provide better quality at the expense of performance.
  394. r.GaussianDOF=0
  395. r.DepthOfField.FarBlur=0
  396. r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius=0.0000
  398. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  399. r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0                  ; Disabling it for performance. Sets the quality level for Depth of Field in the post-process settings. Adjust as needed (0-3). Higher values provide better quality at the expense of performance.
  400. r.DepthOfField.MaxBokehSize=64           ; Controls the maximum size of the bokeh. Increase this value for larger, more pronounced bokeh.
  401. r.DepthOfField.MaxNearBlurSize=32        ; Sets the maximum size of the near blur. Increase this value for a stronger near blur effect.
  402. r.DepthOfField.MaxFarBlurSize=256        ; Sets the maximum size of the far blur. Increase this value for a stronger far blur effect.
  403. r.DepthOfField.FarBlurKernelSize=32      ; Controls the kernel size for the far blur. Adjust as needed for a desired level of blurring.
  404. r.DepthOfField.NearBlurKernelSize=16     ; Controls the kernel size for the near blur. Adjust as needed for a desired level of blurring.
  405. r.DepthOfField.DepthBlurRadius=0.5       ; Controls the radius of the depth blur effect. Adjust as needed for a desired level of blurring.
  406. r.DepthOfField.DepthBlurAmount=1.0       ; Controls the overall amount of depth blur effect. Increase this value for a stronger depth blur.
  407. r.DepthOfField.FocalDistanceScale=1.0    ; Adjusts the scale of the focal distance. Increase this value to make the depth of field effect focus on objects closer to the camera.
  408. r.DepthOfFieldFocalRegion=0.3            ; Controls the region around the focal distance that will be in focus. A higher value means a larger region in focus.
  409. r.DepthOfFieldNearTransitionRegion=0.15  ; Controls the transition region between the focused and unfocused areas near the camera.
  410. r.DepthOfFieldFarTransitionRegion=0.15   ; Controls the transition region between the focused and unfocused areas far from the camera.
  411. r.DepthOfFieldQualityThreshold=16        ; Sets the quality threshold for depth of field. Increase this value for a higher threshold, resulting in more objects being considered for depth of field calculations.
  412. r.DepthOfField.MotionBlurAmount=0.5      ; Controls the amount of motion blur applied in the depth of field effect. Increase this value for a stronger motion blur effect.
  413. r.DepthOfField.MaxBokehBlurRadius=64     ; Controls the maximum blur radius for bokeh. Increase this value for a larger, more blurred bokeh effect.
  414. r.DepthOfField.BokehRadiusScale=2.0      ; Scales the radius of the bokeh. Increase this value for a larger bokeh effect.
  415. r.DepthOfField.BokehShape=0.5            ; Sets the shape of the bokeh. Adjust as needed for different bokeh shapes.
  416. r.DepthOfField.FarTransitionOffset=500.0 ; Adjusts the offset for the far transition region. Increase this value to shift the transition region further away from the camera.
  417. r.DepthOfField.NearTransitionOffset=0.0  ; Adjusts the offset for the near transition region. Increase this value to shift the transition region closer to the camera.
  419. ; ================================
  420. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ LIGHTING ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  421. ; ================================
  422. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  423. ; Light functions settings
  424. r.DefaultFeature.LightFunctions=1               ; Enables light functions
  425. r.LightFunctionQuality=1                        ; Sets the light function quality (0 = low, 1 = high)
  426. r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim=8               ; Dimensions of the lighting volume for translucent materials set to 8, reducing memory usage. 24=High
  427. r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale=10                  ; Maximum draw distance of lights. Reduce to 0.5 for 50% for improved performance. Values above 10 do not increase lights any further. Default is 1.
  428. r.AllowStaticLighting=0                         ; Disable static lighting to rely more on dynamic lighting and color accuracy. Disable reduce memory usage
  429. r.LightPropagationVolume=0                      ; Light propagation volume (LPV) disabled for improved performance.
  431. ; Light shafts settings (also known as God rays)
  432. r.LightShaftQuality=1                           ; Sets the light shaft quality (0 = low, 1 = high) set to 0, disabling it for performance.
  434. ; Particle system settings
  435. r.ParticleLightQuality=1                        ; Sets the particle light quality (0 = low, 1 = high)
  437. ; Miscellaneous settings
  438. r.LightCullingQuality=1                         ;Light culling quality set to 1 for improved performance.
  440. ; LensFlare
  441. r.LensFlareIntensity=0.3                  ; Set the lens flare intensity for the overall scene
  442. r.LensFlareThreshold=0.8                  ; Set the lens flare threshold for the overall scene
  443. r.LensFlareSize=0.05                      ; Set the lens flare size for the overall scene
  444. r.LensFlareQuality=0                      ;r.LensFlareQuality determines the quality of lens flares in the game.0 disables lens flares, while higher values increase the quality.
  445. r.LensFlareBokehShape=0                   ;r.LensFlareBokehShape determines the shape of the bokeh used in lens flares.0 for circular bokeh, 1 for hexagonal bokeh, and 2 for octagonal bokeh.
  446. r.LensFlareOcclusion=1                    ;r.LensFlareOcclusion determines whether lens flares can be occluded by other objects in the scene. 0 disables occlusion, while 1 enables occlusion.
  447. r.LensFlareOcclusionQueries=1             ;r.LensFlareOcclusionQueries determines the method used for occlusion queries with lens flares.0 for software occlusion queries, 1 for hardware occlusion queries.
  448. r.LensFlareOcclusionMaskDarkening=0.2     ;r.LensFlareOcclusionMaskDarkening determines the amount of darkening applied to occluded lens flares. 0 disables darkening, while higher values increase the effect.
  449. r.LensFlareOcclusionDepthRange=1000       ;r.LensFlareOcclusionDepthRange determines the depth range for occlusion queries with lens flares. =1000 sets the depth range in centimeters.
  451. ; ===========================
  452. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ FOG ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  453. ; ===========================
  454. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  455. ; Fog related settings
  456. r.Fog=1                                                                      ; Enables or disables fog in the scene. Set to 1 to enable fog, or 0 to disable.
  457. r.FogDensity=0.2                                                             ; Sets the overall density of the fog. Higher values result in denser fog, while lower values create thinner fog.
  458. r.FogHeightFalloff=0.2                                                       ; Specifies how quickly the fog density changes with altitude. Higher values result in a steeper falloff, while lower values create a more gradual transition.
  459. r.FogMaxOpacity=1.0                                                          ; Sets the maximum opacity of the fog. The fog will appear fully opaque at this value.
  460. r.FogStartDistance=1000.0                                                    ; Specifies the distance from the camera at which the fog begins. Objects beyond this distance will be affected by the fog.
  461. r.FogEndDistance=5000.0                                                      ; Specifies the distance from the camera at which the fog completely obscures objects. Objects beyond this distance will be completely hidden by the fog.
  462. r.FogColor=0.5, 0.5, 0.5                                                     ; Sets the color of the fog. This value represents RGB values, where 0.0 is black and 1.0 is white. Adjust the values to achieve the desired fog color.
  463. r.FogInscatteringColor=0.5, 0.5, 0.5                                         ; Sets the color of the light that is scattered by the fog. This value represents RGB values, where 0.0 is black and 1.0 is white. Adjust the values to achieve the desired inscattering color.
  464. r.FogInscatteringTexture=Texture2D'EngineResources.WhiteSquareTexture'       ; Specifies a texture that controls the inscattering of light by the fog. You can assign a texture asset here.
  465. r.FogInscatteringTextureTint=1.0, 1.0, 1.0                                   ; Sets the tint color for the fog inscattering texture. This value represents RGB values, where 0.0 is black and 1.0 is white. Adjust the values to achieve the desired tint color.
  466. r.FogStartDistanceForOpaque=1000.0                                           ; Specifies the distance from the camera at which the fog starts to become fully opaque. Objects beyond this distance will be fully obscured by the fog.
  467. r.FogDistanceScale=1.0                                                       ; Adjusts the overall scale of the fog distance. Higher values increase the distance at which fog begins and ends, while lower values decrease it.
  469. ; =============================
  470. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ GRASS ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  471. ; =============================
  472. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  473. ; Grass settings (3 option in shadows section that effect grass)
  474. r.Grass.FadeRange=5000                         ; Controls the distance at which grass will begin to fade out from the camera
  475. r.Grass.MaxDrawDistance=10000                  ; Controls the maximum draw distance for grass
  476. r.Grass.MinScreenSize=0.1                      ; Determines the minimum screen size a grass blade must occupy to be drawn
  477. r.Grass.DensityScale=2                       ; Controls the density of grass blades 2 high, DEF 1, 0.6 for PERFORMANCE
  478. r.Grass.WidthScale=1.0                         ; Controls the thickness of grass blades
  479. r.Grass.EnableShadows=1                        ; Enables or disables grass shadows
  480. r.Shadow.CSMResolution=256                     ; Controls the resolution of grass shadows
  481. r.Shadow.CSMSplitCount=4                       ; Determines the number of cascades for grass shadow maps
  482. r.Grass.UseVertexColor=1                       ; Enables or disables grass vertex coloring
  483. r.Grass.MaxClusterInstances=8                  ; Controls the maximum number of grass blades per cluster
  484. r.Grass.MaxClusterComponents=32                ; Controls the maximum number of grass clusters per componen
  485. r.Landscape.EnableGrassVisibilityCulling=1     ; Enables or disables culling of grass based on landscape visibility
  486. r.Landscape.GrassVisibilitySampleCount=16      ; Controls the number of grass samples used for visibility culling
  487. r.Grass.Collision=1                            ; Enables or disables collision of grass with other objects
  488. r.Grass.MaxCollisionPerBlade=4                 ; Controls the maximum number of collisions per grass blade
  490. [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings]
  491. grass.DisableDynamicShadows=0                  ; DEF 0, 1 for PERFORMANCE
  492. grass.TickInterval=10                          ; DEF 1, 10 for PERFORMANCE
  493. grass.MaxUpdateFrequency=40
  495. ; ===============================
  496. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ FOLIAGE ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  497. ; ===============================
  498. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  499. ; Foliage related settings
  500. r.Foliage.DynamicallyShadowFarLod=1    ; Enable or disable dynamic foliage shadows
  502. ; Foliage draw distance settings
  503. foliage.LODDistanceScale=1.4           ; Adjust the maximum distance at which foliage is rendered DEF 1, quality 4
  504. foliage.MinLODDistanceScale=0.1        ; Adjust the distance at which the highest quality foliage is rendered
  506. ; Foliage density settings
  507. foliage.DensityScale=1.5               ; Adjust the overall density of the foliage 2 high, DEF 0.8, 0.6 or 0 for PERFORMANCE
  508. foliage.GrassDensityScale=1.0          ; Adjust the density of the grass
  509. foliage.TreeDensityScale=1.0           ; Adjust the density of the trees
  511. ; Foliage lighting settings
  512. foliage.EnableStaticLighting=1         ; Enable or disable dynamic lighting for foliage
  513. foliage.EnableGrassLighting=1          ; Enable or disable dynamic lighting for grass
  515. ; Foliage shadow settings
  516. foliage.MaxShadowResolution=1024       ; Adjust the resolution of the foliage shadows
  517. foliage.ShadowDistanceScale=1.0        ; Adjust the distance at which foliage shadows are cast
  519. ; Foliage collision settings
  520. foliage.DisableCollision=0             ; Enable or disable collision for foliage
  521. foliage.SelfShadowing=1                ; Enable or disable self-shadowing for foliage
  523. ; Foliage wind settings
  524. foliage.bAllowWind=1                   ; Enable or disable wind for foliage
  525. foliage.WindStrength=1.0               ; Adjust the strength of the wind affecting foliage
  526. foliage.WindSpeed=1.0                  ; Adjust the speed of the wind affecting foliage
  528. [/Script/Foliage.FoliageConfig]
  529. foliage.DitheredLOD=1                  ; DEF 1, quality 5
  530. foliage.MinimumScreenSize=0.009        ; DEF 0.0001
  531. foliage.MinLOD=1                       ; DEF 0, 1 for PERFORMANCE
  532. foliage.MinVertsToSplitNode=8192       ; DEF 8192
  533. foliage.OverestimateLOD=0              ; DEF 0
  535. ; =====================================================
  536. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ SKY SUN CLOUDS BLOOM VINGETTE ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  537. ; =====================================================
  538. ; Sky, Sun, and Clouds related settings
  539. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  540. r.SkyLight=1                        ; Enable or disable dynamic skies
  541. r.Atmosphere=1                      ; Enable or disable atmospheric fog def 0
  542. r.Sun=1.0                           ; Set the intensity of the sun
  543. r.SunColor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)          ; Set the color of the sun
  544. r.VolumetricClouds=1                ; Enable or disable volumetric clouds
  545. r.VolumetricCloudDensity=0.5        ; Set the density of volumetric clouds
  546. r.VolumetricCloudHeight=1000.0      ; Set the height of volumetric clouds
  547. r.VolumetricCloudCoverage=0.8       ; Set the coverage of volumetric clouds
  548. r.VolumetricCloudScale=1.0          ; Set the scale of volumetric clouds
  550. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings.RayTracingQualityOverrides]
  551. r.RayTracingClouds=1                ; Enable or disable ray-traced clouds
  552. r.RayTracingCloudQuality=2          ; Set the quality of ray-traced clouds
  553. r.RayTracingCloudResolution=512     ; Set the resolution of ray-traced clouds
  555. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings.CloudShadows]
  556. r.CloudShadows=1                    ; Enable or disable cloud shadows
  557. r.CloudShadowIntensity=0.8          ; Set the intensity of cloud shadows
  558. r.CloudShadowColor=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)  ; Set the color of cloud shadows
  560. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings.Godrays]
  561. r.Godrays=1                         ; Enable or disable Godrays
  562. r.GodrayIntensity=0.5               ; Set the intensity of Godrays
  563. r.GodrayColor=(1.0, 1.0, 0.8)       ; Set the color of Godrays
  564. r.GodrayDensity=0.3                 ; Set the density of Godrays
  565. r.GodraySize=0.1                    ; Set the size of Godrays
  566. r.GodrayFalloff=0.5                 ; Set the falloff of Godrays
  568. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings.SkyQuality]
  569. r.SkyQuality=2.0                    ; Set the quality of the overall sky
  571. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings.DynamicWeather]
  572. r.DynamicWeather=1                  ; Enable or disable dynamic weather
  573. r.WindSpeed=10.0                    ; Set the wind speed for dynamic weather
  574. r.WindDirection=(0.5, 0.0, 0.5)     ; Set the direction of the wind for dynamic weather
  575. r.CloudCoverage=0.6                 ; Set the overall cloud coverage for dynamic weather
  576. r.CloudDensity=0.4                  ; Set the cloud density for dynamic weather
  577. r.RainIntensity=0.2                 ; Set the rain intensity for dynamic weather
  578. r.SnowIntensity=0.1                 ; Set the snow intensity for dynamic weather
  579. r.FogDensity=0.3                    ; Set the fog density for dynamic weather
  580. r.FogColor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)          ; Set the fog color for dynamic weather
  582. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  583. ; Bloom related settings - Bloom Off
  584. r.DefaultFeature.Bloom=False
  585. r.Bloom.Cross=0                     ; DEF 0, 0.7777 for anamorphic
  586. r.Bloom.HalfResolutionFFT=0         ; DEF 0
  587. r.BloomQuality=0                    ; Determines the quality of the bloom effect. Values range from 0 to 4, where 0 is the lowest quality and 4 is the highest.
  588. r.BloomMaxSize=1.0                  ; Controls the maximum size of the bloom effect. Adjust this value to increase or decrease the size of the bloom effect.
  589. r.BloomThreshold=0.25               ; Specifies the luminance threshold above which pixels will bloom. Adjust this value to control the intensity of the bloom effect.
  591. r.Bloom1Tint=(R=1.0,G=1.0,B=1.0)    ; Sets the tint color for the first level of bloom. Use RGB values between 0 and 1 to adjust the color.
  592. r.Bloom1Size=1.0                    ; Specifies the size of the first level of bloom. Adjust this value to increase or decrease the size of the first bloom level.
  593. r.Bloom2Tint=(R=1.0,G=1.0,B=1.0)    ; Sets the tint color for the second level of bloom. Use RGB values between 0 and 1 to adjust the color.
  594. r.Bloom2Size=0.5                    ; Specifies the size of the second level of bloom. Adjust this value to increase or decrease the size of the second bloom level.
  595. r.Bloom3Tint=(R=1.0,G=1.0,B=1.0)    ; Sets the tint color for the third level of bloom. Use RGB values between 0 and 1 to adjust the color.
  596. r.Bloom3Size=0.25                   ; Specifies the size of the third level of bloom. Adjust this value to increase or decrease the size of the third bloom level.
  597. r.Bloom4Tint=(R=1.0,G=1.0,B=1.0)    ; Sets the tint color for the fourth level of bloom. Use RGB values between 0 and 1 to adjust the color.
  598. r.Bloom4Size=0.125                  ; Specifies the size of the fourth level of bloom. Adjust this value to increase or decrease the size of the fourth bloom level.
  599. r.Bloom5Tint=(R=1.0,G=1.0,B=1.0)    ; Sets the tint color for the fifth level of bloom. Use RGB values between 0 and 1 to adjust the color.
  600. r.Bloom5Size=0.0625                 ; Specifies the size of the fifth level of bloom. Adjust this value to increase or decrease the size of the fifth bloom level.
  601. r.Bloom6Tint=(R=1.0,G=1.0,B=1.0)    ; Sets the tint color for the sixth level of bloom. Use RGB values between 0 and 1 to adjust the color.
  602. r.Bloom6Size=0.03125                ; Specifies the size of the sixth level of bloom. Adjust this value to increase or decrease the size of the sixth bloom level.
  603. r.BloomIntensity=0.2                ; Set the bloom intensity for the overall scene
  604. r.BloomSize=0.1                     ; Set the bloom size for the overall scene
  606. [SystemSettings]
  607. r.VignetteIntensity=0.0             ; Set the vignette intensity for the overall scene
  608. r.VignetteSize=0.9                  ; Set the vignette size for the overall scene
  610. [WeatherSettings]
  611. ;r.WeatherType Clear                  ; Set the weather type for the scene
  612. r.CloudType=Cumulus                   ; Set the cloud type for the scene
  613. r.CloudShape=Puffy                    ; Set the cloud shape for the scene
  614. r.CloudWindSpeed=10.0                 ; Set the wind speed for the clouds
  615. r.CloudWindDirection=(0.5, 0.0, 0.5)  ; Set the wind direction for the clouds
  616. r.CloudWindCoverage=0.6               ; Set the cloud coverage for the clouds
  617. r.CloudWindDensity=0.4                ; Set the cloud density for the clouds
  618. r.CloudRainIntensity=0.2              ; Set the rain intensity for the clouds
  619. r.CloudSnowIntensity=0.1              ; Set the snow intensity for the clouds
  620. r.CloudFogDensity=0.3                 ; Set the fog density for the clouds
  621. r.CloudFogColor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)       ; Set the fog color for the clouds
  623. ; ============================
  624. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ SSGI ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  625. ; ============================
  626. ; Disabled to use  Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion (GTAO) feature
  627. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  628. r.SSGI.Enable=0                         ; Enable Screen Space Global Illumination (SSGI)
  629. r.SSGI.SampleCount=16                   ; Number of samples for SSGI (increase for higher quality, but higher performance cost)
  630. r.SSGI.Integration.Quality=2            ; SSGI integration quality (0-4, 0 being the lowest quality and 4 being the highest)
  631. r.SSGI.HalfResSceneColor=1              ; Use half-resolution scene color for SSGI (improves performance at the cost of some quality)
  633. ; Resolution settings
  634. r.SSGI.HalfResSceneDepth=1              ; Use half-resolution scene depth for SSGI (improves performance at the cost of some quality)
  635. r.SSGI.HalfResSceneDepthTemporalAA=1    ; Use half-resolution scene depth for SSGI temporal anti-aliasing (TAA)
  637. ; Performance optimizations
  638. r.SSGI.TemporalAccumulation=1           ; Enable temporal accumulation for SSGI (improves quality at the cost of some performance)
  639. r.SSGI.HistoryConvolutionRadius=2       ; Radius for SSGI history convolution (increase for larger influence, but higher performance cost)
  640. r.SSGI.Integration.MaxScreenRadius=0.05 ; Maximum screen radius for SSGI integration (increase for larger influence, but higher performance cost)
  641. ; r.SSGI.Quality=0                        ; DEF 2, 0 for PERFORMANCE but glitchy, has been replaced with "r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasingQuality"
  643. ; ==============================================
  644. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ SUBSURFACE POSTPROCESS ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  645. ; ==============================================
  646. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  647. r.SubsurfaceScattering=1                             ;# Enables subsurface scattering
  648. r.SSS.Scale=2.5                                      ;# Scale factor for subsurface scattering def 0
  649. r.SSS.Filter=2                                       ;# Subsurface scattering filter mode
  650. r.SSS.Quality=1                                      ;# Subsurface scattering quality level
  651. r.SSS.SampleSet=2                                    ;# Subsurface scattering sample set def 0
  652. r.SSS.Checkerboard=0                                 ;# Disables subsurface scattering checkerboard pattern
  653. r.SSS.HalfRes=0                                      ;# Disables subsurface scattering half resolution
  654. r.SubsurfaceQuality=1                                ;# Subsurface quality level (possibly deprecated)
  655. r.SSS.Burley.NumSamplesOverride=0                    ;# Overrides the number of samples used in Burley subsurface scattering
  656. r.SSS.Burley.Quality=0                               ;# Quality level for Burley subsurface scattering (N/A)
  657. r.SSS.Burley.BilateralFilterKernelFunctionType=1     ;# Burley subsurface scattering bilateral filter kernel function type                            
  659. [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings]
  660. r.SubsurfaceScattering=0                              ;# Disables overriding subsurface scattering                      
  662. ; =========================================
  663. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ TEXTURE STREAMING ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  664. ; =========================================
  665. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  666. r.TextureStreaming=True
  667. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  668. bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming=False ;helps ensure that the increased view distance setting persists during gameplay and less streming from disk but higher memory ussage.
  671. [/Script/Engine.TextureLODSettings]
  672. TEXTUREGROUP_World=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  673. TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  674. TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips=0)
  675. TEXTUREGROUP_Character=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  676. TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  677. TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips=0)
  678. TEXTUREGROUP_Weapon=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  679. TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  680. TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips=0)
  681. TEXTUREGROUP_Vehicle=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  682. TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  683. TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Sharpen1,NumStreamedMips=0)
  684. TEXTUREGROUP_Cinematic=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  685. TEXTUREGROUP_Effects=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=linear,MipFilter=point,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  686. TEXTUREGROUP_EffectsNotFiltered=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  687. TEXTUREGROUP_Skybox=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  688. TEXTUREGROUP_UI=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  689. TEXTUREGROUP_Lightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Blur5,NumStreamedMips=0)
  690. TEXTUREGROUP_Shadowmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Blur5,NumStreamedMips=0)
  691. TEXTUREGROUP_RenderTarget=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  692. TEXTUREGROUP_MobileFlattened=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  693. TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Heightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  694. TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Weightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=aniso,MipGenSettings=TMGS_Unfiltered,NumStreamedMips=0)
  695. TEXTUREGROUP_Bokeh=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=1,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=linear,MipFilter=linear)
  696. TEXTUREGROUP_Pixels2D=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=point,MipFilter=point)
  697. TEXTUREGROUP_IESLightProfile=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=point)
  698. TEXTUREGROUP_HDR=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize=2048,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=point)
  699. MinLODSize=2048
  700. MaxLODSize=8192
  702. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  703. r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=0       ; Configured for performance. It allows textures to be loaded partially instead of fully loading them, improving memory usage.
  704. r.Streaming.DropMips=0                    ; Configured for performance. It disables the dropping of mipmaps, ensuring all mip levels are loaded, which can improve image quality.
  705. r.Streaming.HiddenPrimitiveScale=0.5      ; Configured for performance. It scales down the streaming bounds for hidden primitives, reducing the memory usage for streaming.
  706. r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=0                ; Configured for performance. It disables Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD) strategy, which can improve performance at the cost of some visual quality.
  707. r.Streaming.MipBias=-0.5                  ; Configured for performance. can improve performance by reducing the rendering cost of high-resolution textures.
  708. r.Streaming.UseAllMips=0                  ; Configured for performance. It disables the use of all mips, meaning only the highest mip level will be used for rendering, reducing memory usage and potentially improving performance.
  709. r.MaxAnisotropy=16                        ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum anisotropic filtering level to 8, which balances image quality and performance.
  710. r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=0         ; Configured for performance. It disables the limitation of the streaming pool size based on available VRAM, allowing the pool size to be set manually.
  711. r.Streaming.PoolSize=8000                 ; Configured for performance. It sets the streaming pool size to 8000 MB, which determines the amount of memory reserved for texture streaming.0 = auto
  712. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=4096     ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum temporary memory allowed for streaming recomended 16gig RAM/4=4096 MB or 0 MB effectively disabling the use of temporary memory.
  713. r.RenderTargetPoolMin=2048                ; Configured for performance. It sets the minimum size of the render target pool to 2048 MB, which affects the memory allocation for render targets. 300 default
  715. [TextureStreaming]
  716. r.Streaming.MaxTextureLoadTime=0.1             ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum texture load time per update to 0.1 milliseconds, controlling the time spent on loading textures.
  717. r.Streaming.MaxTextureRequestTime=0.01         ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum texture request time per update to 0.01 milliseconds, controlling the time spent on requesting textures.
  718. r.Streaming.NumStreamedMips=1                  ; Configured for performance. It sets the number of streamed mip levels to 1, which reduces memory usage by loading fewer mip levels.
  719. r.Streaming.DistanceScale=0.25                 ; Configured for performance. It scales down the distance at which texture streaming is performed, reducing the memory usage for textures further from the camera.
  720. r.Streaming.MipBias=-0.5                       ; Configured for performance. It applies a negative mip bias, biasing towards higher mip levels, which can improve performance by reducing the rendering cost of high-resolution textures.
  721. r.Streaming.MinTexturePoolSize=1024            ; Configured for performance. It sets the minimum texture pool size to 1024 MB, controlling the amount of memory reserved for textures.
  722. r.Streaming.TargetTexturePoolSize=2048         ; Configured for performance. It sets the target texture pool size to 2048 MB, determining the desired size of the texture pool.
  723. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=4096          ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum temporary memory allowed for streaming recomended 16gig RAM/4=4096 MB or 0 MB effectively disabling the use of temporary memory.
  724. r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSizeForDBM=0     ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum effective screen size for dropped mips (player) to 0, effectively disabling the use of dropped mips for the player.
  726. [SystemSettings]
  727. r.LOD.UseObjectScaleOverride=true     ; Configured for performance. It enables the use of object scale override for LOD (Level of Detail), allowing more control over LOD distances.
  728. r.LOD.ObjectScaleOverride=3.0        ; Configured for performance. It sets the object scale override value to 3.0, which affects LOD distances and can improve performance by reducing the level of detail for objects.
  729. r.HLODDistanceFactor=3.0             ; Configured for performance. It sets the HLOD (Hierarchy Level of Detail) distance factor to 3.0, controlling the distance at which HLOD is used, potentially improving performance by reducing the rendering cost of complex objects.
  731. [AsyncLoading]
  732. r.Streaming.UseNewMetrics=1   ; Enables new streaming metrics for async loading
  734. [TextureStreaming]
  735. r.Streaming.PoolSizeVRAMPercentage=20   ; Sets the percentage of VRAM to be used for texture streaming pool
  737. [Engine.Engine]
  738. ;old Unreal 3 settings probably dont work
  739. MinTextureDensity=0.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  740. IdealTextureDensity=12.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  741. MaxTextureDensity=55.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  743. MinLightMapDensity=0.0 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  744. IdealLightMapDensity=0.05 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  745. MaxLightMapDensity=0.2 ; Adjusted for performance, can be increased if needed
  747. MipFadeInSpeed0=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  748. MipFadeOutSpeed0=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  749. MipFadeInSpeed1=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  750. MipFadeOutSpeed1=0.0 ; Increased for smoother texture mip transitions DEF 0.3
  752. ; ===========================================
  753. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ OTHER OPTIMIZATIONS ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  754. ; ===========================================
  755. [SystemSettings]
  756. r.ViewDistanceScale=1.5               ; Adjusts the distance at which objects are rendered def 1
  757. r.ViewDistanceQuality=4               ; Sets the quality level for view distance, 4 epic
  758. r.MaterialQualityLevel=2              ; Controls the quality level for materials
  759. r.FinishCurrentFrame=0                ; Disables waiting for the GPU to finish rendering the current frame
  760. r.CreateShadersOnLoad=1               ; Enables shader compilation on load to reduce stuttering during gameplay
  761. r.Streaming.UseFixedPoolSize=0        ; Disables the use of a fixed pool size for streaming
  762. r.Streaming.PoolSize=8000             ; Sets the streaming pool size (0 means auto) 8000 for a 8GIG VRAM graphics card
  763. r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=0   ; 1 = Ensures that used textures are fully loaded into memory, 0 = partially loaded in.
  764. r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=0     ; Disables limiting the streaming pool size to VRAM
  765. r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy=1    ; Enables amortization of CPU to GPU texture copies
  766. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=4096 ; Configured for performance. It sets the maximum temporary memory allowed for streaming recomended 16gig RAM/4=4096 MB or 0 MB effectively disabling the use of temporary memory.
  767. r.MaxAnisotropy=16                    ; Sets the maximum level of anisotropic filtering
  768. r.MipMapLODBias=0.5                   ; Sets the level of detail bias for mipmaps
  769. r.Shaders.Optimize=1                  ; Enables shader optimization
  770. r.Shaders.FastMath=1                  ; Enables fast math optimizations for shaders
  771. r.HZBOcclusion=0                      ; Disables hardware occlusion queries for hidden zone removal
  772. r.RenderTargetPoolMin=2048            ; Sets the minimum number of render targets in the pool 300 default
  773. r.D3D11.Depth24Bit=0                  ; Disables 24-bit depth buffer for D3D11
  774. r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=0.0             ; Sets the level of detail bias for skeletal meshes
  777. [Audio]
  778. AudioThread.BatchAsyncBatchSize=9999999     ; Sets the audio thread batch size for async processing
  779. AudioThread.UseBackgroundThreadPool=1       ; Enables the use of a background thread pool for audio
  780. AudioThread.EnableBatchProcessing=1         ; Enables batch processing for audio
  782. [GPULightmass]
  783. ; Add any specific GPULightmass settings here if applicable
  785. [FXSystem]
  786. FX.AllowAsyncTick=1            ; Enables async ticking for the FX system
  787. FX.BatchAsync=1                ; Enables async batch processing for the FX system
  788. FX.BatchAsyncBatchSize=9999999 ; Sets the FX system async batch size
  789. FX.MaxCPUParticlesPerEmitter=50          ; Sets the maximum number of CPU particles per emitter
  790. FX.MaxGPUParticlesSpawnedPerFrame=2048  ; Sets the maximum number of GPU particles spawned per frame
  792. [Rendering]
  793. AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdates=1                      ; Allows async updates of the render thread
  794. AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdates=1  ; Allows async updates of the render thread during game thread updates
  795. r.bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=1         ; Forces CPU access to GPU skin vertices
  796. r.SupportDepthOnlyIndexBuffers=1         ; Supports depth-only index buffers
  797. r.SupportReversedIndexBuffers=1          ; Supports reversed index buffers
  798. r.DBuffer=0                              ; Disables DBuffer
  799. r.GPUCrashDebugging=0                    ; Disables GPU crash debugging
  800. r.CompileShadersForDevelopment=0         ; Disables shader compilation for development
  803. [/Script/Engine.GarbageCollectionSettings]
  804. gc.MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC=478907 ; Increased the value slightly for better performance
  805. gc.SizeOfPermanentObjectPool=100000000 ; Increased the value for a larger pool size
  806. gc.ActorClusteringEnabled=True ; Enabled actor clustering for improved garbage collection
  807. gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabled=True ; Enabled blueprint clustering for improved garbage collection
  810. [Core.System]
  811. Suppress=ScriptWarning
  812. Suppress=Error
  813. Suppress=ScriptLog
  814. Suppress=Warning
  816. [Core.Log]
  817. ; Disable unnecessary logging categories for improved performance
  818. LogPluginManager=off
  819. LogOnlineIdentity=off
  820. LogOnlineSession=off
  821. LogMemory=off
  822. LogPakFile=off
  823. LogTemp=off
  824. LogLinker=off
  825. LogOnline=off
  826. LogOnlineGame=off
  827. LogAnalytics=off
  828. LogConfig=off
  829. LogInteractiveProcess=off
  830. LogInput=off
  831. LogOnlineEntitlement=off
  832. LogOnlineEvents=off
  833. LogOnlineFriend=off
  834. LogOnlinePresence=off
  835. LogOnlineTitleFile=off
  836. LogOnlineUser=off
  837. Global=off    ; Disable all global logging for improved performance
  840. [Core.System]
  841. ConfiguredInternetSpeed=78643200  ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the maximum configured internet speed (in bytes per second)
  842. ConfiguredLanSpeed=78643200       ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the maximum configured LAN speed (in bytes per second)
  844. [/script/onlinesubsystemutils.ipnetdriver]
  845. MaxClientRate=78643200          ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the maximum client rate (in bytes per second)
  846. MaxInternetClientRate=78643200  ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the maximum internet client rate (in bytes per second)
  847. NetServerMaxTickRate=120        ; Set the maximum tick rate for the server on the internet
  848. LanServerMaxTickRate=120        ; Set the maximum tick rate for the server on LAN
  849. MaxNetTickRate=400              ; Set the maximum net tick rate
  850. InitialConnectTimeout=300.0     ; Set the initial connect timeout (in seconds)
  851. ConnectionTimeout=300.0         ; Set the connection timeout (in seconds)
  853. [/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager]
  854. TotalNetBandwidth=78643200      ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the total net bandwidth (in bytes per second)
  855. MaxDynamicBandwidth=78643200    ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the maximum dynamic bandwidth (in bytes per second)
  856. MinDynamicBandwidth=78643200    ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the minimum dynamic bandwidth (in bytes per second)
  858. [/script/socketsubsystemepic.epicnetdriver]
  859. MaxClientRate=78643200          ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the maximum client rate (in bytes per second)
  860. MaxInternetClientRate=78643200  ; 75Mbps (75 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 78643200) Set the maximum internet client rate (in bytes per second)
  862. [/script/engine.engine]
  863. NetClientTicksPerSecond=120     ; Set the number of client ticks per second
  868. [WindowsApplication.Accessibility]
  869. StickyKeysHotkey=False
  870. ToggleKeysHotkey=False
  871. FilterKeysHotkey=False
  872. StickyKeysConfirmation=True
  873. ToggleKeysConfirmation=True
  874. FilterKeysConfirmation=True
  876. ; UE4 Reference:
  878. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  879. ; From
  880. r.CustomDepth=1
  881. r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction=False
  882. r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare=False
  883. r.DistanceFieldAO=0
  884. r.EmitterSpawnRateScale=0.75
  885. r.SeparateTranslucency=False
  887. ; From
  888. r.DepthOfField.MaxSize=0
  889. r.Streaming.FramesForFullUpdate=60
  890. r.SwitchGridShadow=0
  892. ; These lines added by Davis
  893. r.DepthOfField.DepthBlur.Scale=0
  895. [/Script/TslGame.TslEngine]
  896. FrameRateCap=0
  898. [/Script/Engine.Engine]
  899. ; From
  900. bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport=True
  901. bSmoothFrameRate=false
  902. MaxES2PixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCount=45
  903. MaxPixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCount=128
  904. MinDesiredFrameRate=144               ; Screen refreshrate
  905. SmoothedFrameRateRange=(LowerBound=(Type=”ERangeBoundTypes::Inclusive”,Value=60),UpperBound=(Type=”ERangeBoundTypes::Exclusive”,Value=144))
  906. TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects=30
  910. ; =====================================
  911. ; ✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ References ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
  912. ; =====================================
  913. ;Colour and exposure:
  914. ;
  916. ;Sharpening shadows:
  917. ;
  918. ;
  920. ;Texture streaming:
  921. ;
  923. ;Subsurface post-process
  924. ;
  926. ;TXAA settings:
  927. ;
  928. ;
  930. ;Shadows:
  931. ;
  932. ;
  933. ;
  935. ;EyeAdaptation & AutoExposure:
  936. ;
  937. ;
  938. ;
  944. ; SETTINGS TAKEN OUT (glitching issues)
  945. ; -------------------------------------
  946. ; r.TemporalAAUpsampling=1
  947. ; r.TemporalAA.Algorithm=1                    ; 0 = Gen 4, 1 = Gen 5
  948. ; r.ScreenPercentage=75                       ; Render resolution before upsampling
  949. ; r.Jittering=1
  950. ; r.TemporalAA.Algorithm=1                    ; DEF 0, 0 for PERFORMANCE
  951. ; r.TemporalAA.AllowDownsampling=1            ; DEF 1
  952. ; r.TemporalAA.HistoryScreenPercentage=100    ; DEF 100
  953. ; r.TemporalAA.R11G11B10History=0             ; DEF 0
  954. ; r.TemporalAA.Upscaler=1                     ; DEF 1
  955. ; r.TemporalAAUpsampleFiltered=1              ; DEF 1
  957. ; r.Shadow.CSMShadowDistanceFadeoutMultiplier=0.1
Tags: PUBG
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