
Keyboard input

Feb 8th, 2013
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  1. SET A, 0x8000 ; Set the register A to 0x8000
  2. SET B, [0x9000] ; Set B to 0x9000, beginning of the cycle
  3. IFE B, 0x0000 ; If B is equal to the value of 0x0000, aka check the input. If there's no input go to the next operation and go back to the beginning of the cycle
  4. SET PC, 0x0002 ; Set the PC register to 0x0002
  5. BOR B, 0x7000 ; Bitwise OR operation
  6. SET [A], B ; Set [A] as B.
  7. SET [0x9000], 0x0000 ; Set the val of 0x0000 to [0x9000]
  8. ADD A, 0x0001 ; Add A + 0x0001
  9. SET PC, 0x0002 ; End and go back to the beginning of the cycle
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